pk4adi - PK for Anesthetic Depth Indicators
Calculate and compare the Anesthetic Depth Indicators PK
values in R language The prediction probability (PK) is a
widely used tool for the anesthetic depth indicators, which was
first proposed by Dr. Warren D. Smith in the paper Warren D.
Smith; Robert C. Dutton; Ty N. Smith (1996)
<doi:10.1097/00000542-199601000-00005> and Warren D. Smith;
Robert C. Dutton; Ty N. Smith (1996)
They provide the Micro xls files to calculate and compare the
PK values. This package provide the easy-to-use API to
calculate and compare the PK values using the R language. The
package's name, pk4adi, is short for "PK for Anesthetic Depth